primates + fancy clothes = human

Even the smartest of us are... not that smart. Accept it. And be good to eachother.

Up in the Club.

To be human.

Is to be imperfect. Most of us are in denial about our limits. Perhaps this is a valid emotional adaptation? It’s better to understand your limits.


Begins with an understanding. Abandone the notion that perfection is ever remotely possible. Instead, probe your strengths and weaknesses. Eventually acceptance comes and you your fragile ego can step aside and you can think about issues without all the emotinal baggage,

AI or Aliens.

Eventually, probably soon, something or someone is going to be much smarter than us.

AI might evolve so far beyond us, that they loose interest in humans. Or perhaps aliens will land one day. In both of these hypotheticals, there won’t be much differntiation between IQ 70 and IQ 130. We don’t pick out the smart ant from the ant colony and study it...
